So much has happened this last month! We were moved into a new house which didnt have running water for 4 days (and still periodically don't, but thats the joys of living here), I finished my Divemaster training, have been getting paid to dive and see sharks and octopus and other amazing creatures, and have made some decisions about what to do next.
So yea...the next thing. For once I finally feel like I can call somewhere home. Not saying it will be home forever by any means, but for the time being I can't see myself living anywhere else. I miss many from the states more than one can imagine but here I have found great people and a love for what I am doing. So that leads to my next decision...I have decided to go ahead and do my Instructor certification next. The thing here is that youre more hireable as an Instructor (and make better money) than if I just continue as a DM...and...since I've decided I want to stay here for a while it's the smart way to go. I'm doing some freelance work for now and will take the 10 day course in June here and then go to Utila (another island) for a 2 day exam and hope I pass! :)
I'm moving into an amazing home tomorrow and one of my current 10 roomies will move in with me this weekend. I can't wait! As much as I have really enjoyed meeting everyone that has moved in and out of the house I'm in now 1o people can be a lot to live with!!!
So yea...that's for a quick little update for those of you who may have been wondering if I were planning to come back. I'll try to post some new pics soon...promise!'s good!
Peace n love.
i'm so proud of you, dawn! and know that you're missed here more then you could imagine! love you!
dwondahhh. i, too, have become a 'blogger'. haha. :)
i love you and miss you a lot. come home soon! :)
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